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Business By Design | The Leverage Model

The Leverage Model

The business environment is undergoing remarkable changes. This has exposed the small businesses to challenges which were either nonexistent till sometime back or the impact was marginal. The pace of changes and the number of parameters has grown so rapidly that it is near impossible to cope up with the onslaught. Here is a subset to put things in perspective –

  • Online business has sucked the juice from retail stores
  • Demonetization reduced cash supply from the market
  • Hyperlocal services have disrupted the restaurant business
  • Ridesharing platforms have led Automobile industry to a bear hug
  • GST has forced the business to “document what they do and do what they document”
  • Co-working spaces have disrupted the Commercial Real Estate market
  • COVID-19 has posed a new set of questions, which were not in syllabus so far 

To address these dynamics we worked on The Leverage Model. This is a framework to help you design a future-proof business

Mastering Business Success

As an entrepreneur your major concern is to safeguard your business and grow your investments. This is far more complex to be put down in a few paragraphs

So far you have been operating from Business By Chance. It is time you looked at a more pragmatic way of doing business – Business By Design 


This is possible if you design your business well. Design is all about bringing workability into what you do. It is far simpler than you may have thought.


The 4 elements which go into designing your business are – 

  1. FUTURE – Be crystal clear of your future and the way you are headed. A clear directions ensures half the battle is won
  2. PRODUCT – The second most important element is what are you going to offer to the market
  3. MARKET – 3rd element is whom are you going to serve. if you define this well, you will be able to find and address your market
  4. GAME PLAN – The easisit bit is to tie up these 3 elements into a game which is winnable 
The business is as simple as we make it to be

The Tool Box

The Leverage Model is easy to implement. We have been working to design the tools so that you may do your business well. 

  1. G.O.L.F. Mastering Business Success – To guide you through the process of designing your business
  2.  The Leverage Model Orientation Talk – Our signature talk to give you an insight into  how you can start thinking design for your business which may have been missing so far
  3. The Leverage Paradigm Workshop – This is a quick and easy workshop for you to digest the concepts well. You get all what you need to design your business
  4. UBUNTU – The Leverage Program – An implementation program to take you through the spaces till you are up and running


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